Contact Us
Our Address:
Dr. P. L. Meena (Dr. Purushottam Lal Meena)
Founder: Nirogdham (Lailaz Ka Ilaz)
संस्थापक: निरोगधाम (लाइलाज का इलाज)
Mundiya Ramsar, Sirsi Road,
Jaipur-302041, Rajasthan, India
Postal Address:
7, Tanwar Colony, Khatipura Road,
Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan, India
WhatsApp No.: +91 8561955619
For emergency : +91 9875066111
Kindly contact us through email using any of the following addresses, as per your requirements:
Use the above email id for seeking further information about your query, if not receiving reply from whatsApp No.: 8561955619.